Friday 17 January 2020




Maan & Geet had to got down first.. Maan awakened,  he saw Geet was still asleep. Although, he had no desire to break her sweet sleep but had no option .. He called out very softly, Geet.. but she was so in deep sleep that didn't wake up. Geet get up.. we have to get down..
wait... for 5 minutes.. she mutters in her half sleep.
Geet.. get up fast, will you?? next is our stop. Maan again tried, this time getting irritated.
who the hell is irritating me, early morning? muttering so she opened her eyes,
"Oh Maan sir !! Sorry I thought I was at home." she was shocked.
'Do you know what you were talking ? does anyone talk like this with their boss?'
'sorry sir, i don't really know what i was talking about .. please ignore if i have said anything wrong.'
Maan started laughing at her ..
'how much are you afraid of me, Geet?
Geet then realized that he was pulling her leg, "you only got me early morning to make fun?"
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yeah.. off course.. maan replied with lopsided smile.
let's move.. we have to get down first, and both got down, how are you going? is Sam going to come to receive you?
'No he and mom were going to go to out of city  for a wedding, means they are going to come back by tonight. so I have to get cab!'
Then come along with me, after dropping you to your house I'll move on.
Geet said okay and so both of them boarded the taxi.
Geet, you are gonna alone at home, today,  will not you fear? Maan asked her ..
what's there to be scare .. i am used to it..Geet replied nonchalantly.
Wow, good ... Well, you are alone today, then do one thing. You come to my house for dinner in the evening.
No sir.. no need..  I will order for something and at night my mom is coming.
Geet, why are you denying? you have to come today, my dadima will be happy , let's plan something nice, and don't say  no now please .. maan somehow makes her agree.
okay okay alright. i will come said Geet. by that time, they reach at Geet's house. okay bye sir.. see you in the evening.
Bye .. Come for sure.. Maan was very happy because he was going to see Geet back in the evening.
Maan messaged Geet in the afternoon only to make her remind about the evening but Geet was sleeping soundly as  she had decided to get a good sleep today.
Maan, you are not going to do any work today! Dadi said to him .. Is there anything special today, Dadima? asked maan surprised.
Today I have fixed the meeting with tina in the evening, so you have to visit her in the evening. And this time I will not hear any reason at all,  very nice girl. you have to meet her first. you will also like her then.
dadima wait !! Now, who is Tina and why did you fix the meeting without asking me? and at evening not possible.. and i don't want to marry anyone at all.. i don't want to involve in marriage or that kind of stuff.. maan clearly declined. tell some random reason to her.. i can't go.
look, maan.. i don't want to hear anything today.. what is your problem to just meet her once? and today you are on leave, then? what work you have in the evening, so imp?
dadima, today evening Geet is coming to have dinner with us! I called her ..
Oh my gosh! Maan you just called her to have dinner at our Mansion?!? I just can't believe it! are you fine, son? dadi asked astonished, for she really couldn't believed the fact that maan himself has called someone at home to have dinner.
Dadima, now you don't over react like Adi, now there is no one in her house, so i tell her to come, that's it.
alright, i will cancel the evening meeting.
And yes, dadima, henceforth,  don't do anything without asking me.
No I don't have to search anymore !! Dadi said ..
are you done? i have to prepare for the dinner tonight.
What? will you make dinner also today? OMG!! dadi was getting shocks after shock.

Dadima, if you has forgotten then let me remind you that today is Sunday and on Sunday I cook the meal, same is gonna happen today.
"Do whatever you want to ,also you are a good cook. so, there is no need of my help. if you need then call me, i am in my room."  Dadima was really pleased to hear that Geet was coming, and more than that, he himself called her!
have you finished, son? dadi walked in the kitchen.
yes, dadima, just one - two minutes.'

'Are you alright?'
Why? What happened? '
'Oh how spicy you made the meal. Did you forget that you could not eat this? ' 'Dadima, I made dishes different for me. This is made for you and Geet. She does not like simple, less spicy. And you also always have to eat it because of me. so .. ''
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it  appears that you have collected a lot of information about Geet.  what she likes, what doesn't. '
'I have not collected any information, etc. This happens 2 days in the trip as we both were together, that's it. I know nothing about her. ' Well, when is she going to come?
just then door doorbell rang. i will see, saying so Maan went  to open the door,
Maan..  where are you going with that apron and  spoon in hand?', Dadi was shouting from behind. But Maan didn't stop to hear this. He had just left.

to be continue...

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