Monday 13 January 2020


Maan couldn't control his laugh, At that time,Adi came from behind, let's go maan, don't you want to get down?" "oh yes, Geet, let's get down. we have reached our destination."
Adi asked him, 'you must have not known about how the time pass, hai na?' Maan got to know his teasing, he looked at Geet but she had no idea as she was looking somewhere else. it's good that she isn't aware, he thought, giving her one look then gives silent glare to Adi, 'I know Adi, what do you want to say, you get down first.'
" 'What do I mean? I just asked that you traveled well, means, look, it was night only, so whole drive went in sleeping only, isn't it? so we didn't get how the time passed. that's it.! i was talking this only, what did you think?"
look, have you decided to make fun of me in the morning, didn't you get anyone apart from me? maan gives him taunt back frustrated with his teasing.
i don't have luck like you man, you only get mates like this, he eyed Geet, teasing his friend but maan became so frustrated, he lost it when Adi indicated towards Geet, let get off, Adi, before i lost it, he warned him, Because you can't change. And I have no desire to argue with you early in the morning. '
Meanwhile Geet's group came from behind, saying 'Good morning Maan sir & Geet !! Geet, Come on, Get down fast. why are you still here? they literally pulled Geet out along with them.
"Let's go now, she went." Adi said and they both came out. Everyone was going to come back after getting ready.
Maan was ready and was waiting downstairs. the rest people were coming one by one. But he was waiting for Geet to come. how long she take to get ready, here also making late, can' t she make it fast.? just then he saw Geet coming and he just kept gaping her, Because he was watching her for the first time in such a casual look. Her black t-shirt was more completing her milky white skin.

if there would be anyone in the place of maan, he must have fallen in love with her at the first sight for she was looking that much beautiful
if there would be anyone in the place of maan, he must have fallen in love with her at the first sight for she was looking that much beautiful. Geet walked near maan, here also you came early before anyone, and both laughed. in fact, today , maan was also looking cool.

 in fact, today , maan was also looking cool

 he was just looking at her, looking beautiful Geet! hearing him geet blushed slightly, it was sweet surprised to heard such a compliment from maan sir, but she liked it, thank you! she gives him her sweet smile.

 he was just looking at her, looking beautiful Geet! hearing him geet blushed slightly, it was sweet surprised to heard such a compliment from maan sir, but she liked it, thank you! she gives him her sweet smile
'Will you have tea?' Geet asked after a while. 'no, I doesn't drink tea, I only drink coffee.' maan said coming out of her spell. ' 'What, who doesn't like tea ???', Geet asked in surprise. 'what!? i don't take, and why are you looking at me like this as if I had committed any crime. and I hadn't say that I don't like it, i am just saying that i do not take.
'Okay. But then will you try today? ', Geet quickly asked. And today Maan could not say no to her.
Both were having tea. then, doesn't it feel good to have sips of Tea? Geet asked excitedly, "But coffee has it's own passion," Maan said. Geet looked at him and said, but Tea have it's own magic of relaxing. Geet gives him back sniffing her hot tea.
Leave it, Geet, it is a never ending argument. Because you won't accept anything. ' Coffee is great. ' "Why should I agree it," Geet said pouting.
'One day I will make you agree, wait and watch.. Maan told her with his determine look. 'let's see, that day will never come. Geet taunted back twisting her lips.
let's move now, all must be waiting for us , geet said trying to avoid the further argument.
'Geet, they won't come soon, i know them more than you. they have nothing to do with time.'
Geet had many friends of hers in that group so she didn't say anything. Maan immediately recognized, 'Geet, you may be angry but this is reality. I do not like people who waste time.' ' 'All right sir! I didn't feel anything. ' Then Maan was giving her a lot of information about the surrounding area. Geet's phone rang. She said, yeah, sasha.. yes coming,, stop there itslef. saying so she cut the call and looked at maan, let's go, everyone had come.
though, they both didn't want to get up, but they left.
Adi was with maan, it was chilly weather, ' How much cold it is here, let's have some coffee. Let the rest people go ahead. ' he asked maan.
Adi, you take it, i had taken tea.
what!! have you really taken tea!? are you all right!" adi was really surprised hearing him.
why are you over reacting, adi, I only had tea. maan was definitely irritated with adi's queries.
' Yes, but how suddenly today? You have never taken in entire life. ' "Look, Adi, it's not necessarily that if something you have never done in your life before, then you can't do it anytime, or it's bad. And Geet insisted me to take it, so i couldn't able to say no to her, that's it! ' as maan revealed, Adi's eyes pop out, 'Ohhhh !!! So if Geet insists, then this is fine. How can you say no to her? '
"Look, Adi, I have said it before and now also saying that we have nothing between us. Whatever is in your mind. so please remove these thoughts from your mind first. '
'excuse me, Maan but you accept the reality, admit it you like her! Do you not know that you have fallen in love with her? or do you not want to admit it, 'Adi said.
"Go from here, you need coffee, you need it," Maan told him as his talks started to irritated him further.
"Look Maan, I can't read people's faces like you. But I can definitely read your face. And from that only i am talking this. Do you understand? ', saying so he left.
Adi blabbers anything.. it's good , he gone. thought maan leaving a frustrated sigh.
Geet was having fun with everyone while Maan was left behind. At this moment Geet's attention went to him. While Geet was leaving, Rajeev said to her, 'Where are you going? we have to go ahead not back. ' 'Maan sir is left behind. You guys go ahead I will come. ' are you sure, do we get going?, 'Yes! Go, 'Geet told him and the rest proceeded.
what's wrong? why are you alone? come on.. with everyone.. geet joined him. 'Nothing wrong .. I am enjoining my own company. ',' again you are doing same, today I will not listen to you, come and join everyone. she almost held his wrist ready to drag him along.look Geet, don't force me. I don't like it, and I can't enjoy with those people. 'sir but just for a day.. what does it matter. geet again tried.Geet, don't you understand once, i said no means no! maan finally blasted losing control on his thoughts. i don't want to come. he shouted on her. Geet felt bad, till now everyone had gone ahead. No one was seen far. Geet didn't say anything. she couldn't even go alone. She was following Maan without saying anything. Maan now realized, I got angry on her without any reason.on that getting no reaction from Geet, he got more restless. He looked at Geet who was having no emotion on her face. And it troubled him more seeing it. 'Why can't I see Geet little upset also? though intentionally, but i always became the reason of her hurt, i cause her trouble.  If I can't give happiness to Geet, then I have no right to hurt her also. ' Maan suddenly stop in his track and grabbed her hand, Geet sorry! it was my fault, i didn't want to say...Okay! Geet stop him in middle only. Geet, what okay, don't you want to say anything? are you not angry? asked maan restless with her behavior.I got used to hear this scolding without any reason, and what would I say, and it was basically my fault. I insisted you . extremely sorry for that! ',Maan didn't know what to say. "Geet ..." Before he could say anything, Geet released her hand from his hold and she started walking.

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