Monday 13 January 2020


The two were not talking to each other. The atmosphere was very cold but the heat between these two really high. just then Geet stopped suddenly while walking. Maan looked at her thinking, what happened to her, why she stopped suddenly?
And before she could fall, Maan caught her in his arms, 'what happened? are you okay? he asked concerned.

And before she could fall, Maan caught her in his arms, 'what happened? are you okay? he asked concerned

'Nothing, I am okay,' And she was trying to walk back but her leg was twisted that she couldn't even walk
'Nothing, I am okay,' And she was trying to walk back but her leg was twisted that she couldn't even walk. 'Geet, I think you must sit here for a while, on this stone', 'No sir I'm fine.' 'You says to me, but you are no less stubborn, Geet' saying so he forcefully take her aside near that big stone and made her sit on it.
Her leg was hurting so badly that she didn't even notice his taunts. Geet couldn't bear the pain anymore. And Maan couldn't bear to see her suffer like this. though Geet's endurance was good, but no matter how hard she tried, she could not endure it today.
Maan sat at her feet, 'Geet, remove your shoes', 'No, I am not going to take it out, it's hurting badly. i will not even touch.'

she was really in great pain, her pouting face said it all, her forehead wrinkle in great pain
she was really in great pain, her pouting face said it all, her forehead wrinkle in great pain.

she was really in great pain, her pouting face said it all, her forehead wrinkle in great pain
Maan himself started to remove the shoes from her feet. 'Sir, please don't do this.' "Look Geet, I'm doing it just to make you feel better. Just bear it more 5 minutes. ' He pulled her leg with such a force, Geet's eyes were closed tightly.

 ' He pulled her leg with such a force, Geet's eyes were closed tightly
'Geet open your eyes. Look, you feet is fine now. ' She was feeling really good. 'thank you! Sir, it feels really good. Let's go ahead, all are already reach far', said Geet. "Look Geet, they all won't meet us now, have you been here before?" 'No, come for the first time.'
'Come on, then it's better to show you the local market than to go after them now.' 'wow means shopping !! Let's go and Geet gets up right away. ' 'How excited you girls become just listening shopping ..', 'Sir you started it, you have taken the name of shopping.' 'Come on, lets go .. before you start your fight, because it's a favorite topic of yours.' 'There is no such thing, just our name has connected with it. And not everyone is the same. ' Geet said this and both left.
The market was very busy. never thought the place will have so much crowd, looked so popular. 

Geet commented seeing the place
Geet commented seeing the place. Maan was trying to protect her a lot from the crowd. He just said yes. they went to a shop, Geet shop a lot of things.
what is it, Geet? you take so much but why not buy anything for yourself? asked maan.
i have buy for Sam and mom. That's all for me. And I have everything, I don't want anything special. '
'ok great! '
There was a group of boys next to them. And they passed some comment on Geet. Geet did ignore it. Maan didn't hear anything clear. "Geet, what did they say,?", Maan asked her. 'Nothing sir, I didn't pays attention.'
just then, they spoke something again and this time Maan heard it. He approached the direct person who spoke it and grabbed his collar and gives him a direct punch. Geet did not know what had happened. before Maan could hit him again, she grabs his hand.
'stop it', she screams aloud. He looked at her and took his raised hand down. Till then the boys escaped. Geet had seen Maan in anger before, but for the first time, she was seeing such a terrible form of his. 'Why did you stop me', Maan shouted at her.

'What is it? Are we here to fight?  I don't like to give those people answer back
'What is it? Are we here to fight? I don't like to give those people answer back. I basically ignore such a people. '

'But they were talking about you and I couldn't bear it! Even if it doesn't matters to you, still it matters to me because
'But they were talking about you and I couldn't bear it! Even if it doesn't matters to you, still it matters to me because ....!' And he suddenly stopped. 'Why does it matter?'

 'Why does it matter?'
Geet asked bewildered. However, to this question of her, he have no. Because he did not find the answer to this "why".
He went ahead without saying anything, she also went behind him, 'Sir, I asked something?', I could not find the answer. Maan was not answering anything. Geet grabs his hand and stops him,'i am talking to you! am i stupid to talk alone?' 

 Geet grabs his hand and stops him,'i am talking to you! am i stupid to talk alone?' 
"Geet, look, some questions don't have the answers," saying so he started to walk.
Geet has no idea what to talk. She quickly changed the subject, 'You don't want anything?' 'What?', Maan said. He didn't thought Geet will leave the subject anytime's good, she started another topic, he thought in his mind. 'No I don't like to buy anything special. Do you want to eat anything ? i am also hungry.'
'Yes, let's eat. I am also actually very hungry. ', Said Geet.
'What will you eat, Geet?' 'I'll take something spicy, what do you take?' 'I'll just take something Continental food.' How Can you eat the tasteless food? ', Geet asked. 'In fact, I have to say, how can you eat so spicy? I can't eat at all. ' maan said.
what!?? "you not eat spicy food then how can you always remain angry?" Geet said and she bite her tongue.

what!?? "you not eat spicy food then how can you always remain angry?" Geet said and she bite her tongue
"What did i say!" thought geet stealing her eyes from him.
what did you said, geet, say it again!?

what did you said, geet, say it again!?
maan gives her hard look.
"no, no, nothing, its it mistakenly slip from my mouth." said Geet.
'Well, you mean to say, I am angry person.
'No, not at all. just a slip of tongue!
'And who teaches you these things, that eating spicy things makes you angry, etc.' 'I had read it somewhere,' Geet said. 'Now I understand why your nature is so hot. anger remains on your nose.' maan did not left the chance to taunt her today.

' maan did not left the chance to taunt her today
'Nothing like that, sir! I do not get angry. '
'Look who is talking, see your nose is still red.' And Maan smiled at her.
'Just then food had arrived, let's eat first', Geet said. And they both had a dinner.
Geet insists him on eating from her dish. 'Look Geet, I have trouble eating spicy. So I don't eat. ' 'Eating a little will not do any harm. please for me! '
Now, he couldn't say no to her. After eating a couple of bites, he started to cough badly.

 After eating a couple of bites, he started to cough badly

'Sir, are you okay? What is happening to you ?, take water
'Sir, are you okay? What is happening to you ?, take water. '
Even though she gave him water, his cough was not diminishing. He was getting very restless. Geet didn't know what to do. all this happen because of me. He was saying no, i urge him. 'Do you feel good now?'
'feeling better', he said. Geet was getting very angry with herself. 

She said, 'Sorry sir! I really didn't think you would suffer so much
She said, 'Sorry sir! I really didn't think you would suffer so much. It all happened because of me. '
'Geet, are you crazy? nothing has happened because of you,so don't worry. I have problem since childhood. And now I'm fine, ' Maan try to make her understand.

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