Monday 13 January 2020


Geet does not know if this is true or a little while ago and showing me attitude, first look at you MSK
Geet does not know if this is true or a little while ago and showing me attitude, first look at you MSK. She makes a face. How much he got angry. She took out her phone to book a cab and she just saw that there was no cab available in nearby place. Oh god, now Geet was flabbergasted.
Maan went forward in anger, but after a while he slow down the speed of his car, realizing that there will be no cabs available at this hour at this place. And it was not safe for Geet as well to stop there at this hour.
I should not have left her there alone, and he took u-turn and started towards his office direction. Geet was damn scared from inside and adding to it her phone went dead scaring her to the hell. Just then maan arrived there, what Geet, didn't you get the cab?? Maan sir!! Geet exclaimed being happy to find him there, she felt finally at safe.
Sir, actually currently there is no cabs available.

I don't want to hear any of your nonsense explanations, already it is late, get inside the car now!!         
I don't want to hear any of your nonsense explanations, already it is late, get inside the car now!! 
Geet was fuming from inside, but she keep herself in control knowing she could not argue now; she needs his help right now. No other option, she silently sat inside the car. No one spoke to each other but only silence was talking a lot. Geet was so much angry on Maan but with his presence beside her, she was so relieved, feeling safe.
And Maan was also angry on Geet but now he was feeling relieve on finding her safe and sound beside him, he wouldn't have left her alone there.
Just then Maan's phone rang, which he received, Maan, how much late, I am waiting for you son, come soon.
Dadima, sorry, it became too late today. I am coming, but you have your dinner.
Maan, I will not eat without you.
Dadima.. you are too much,, okay okay.. I am coming.. take care , bye. Saying so maan shut the phone.

Geet was dumbstruck seeing his changing behavior, my, god! How much people pretends, ? He looks as his Grandma's boy and outside he is angry young man        
Geet was dumbstruck seeing his changing behavior, my, god! How much people pretends, ? He looks as his Grandma's boy and outside he is angry young man. Just then maan stops the car in a middle, Geet was confused why he did so..?? She thought he must going to push her out now, she looked around herself, and all roads were lonely and scary. She got scared.
What happened, sir? Is everything ok??
Geet was scared and asked him with her doe shape innocent eyes.

Geet was scared and asked him with her doe shape innocent eyes        
"Don't fear, Geet, there is nothing as you think. i am not going to push you out here, just relax!"
How did he got to know that what i am thinking, GOD!!, 

Geet thought before answering him, no sir, i am not scared,         
Geet thought before answering him, no sir, i am not scared,
Geet, look at your face, how much you are scared, maan scoffs giving him teasing smirk to which Geet gulps hard stealing her gaze from him feeling caught, when she heard him next, But I will not be able to proceed because I do not know where to go. Tell me your address???
ohh.. Extremely sorry sir and she told him the address.
oh I am so crazy.. what must be he thinking about me??Geet thought cursing herself.
Outside was so cold, and Maan had turn on ac with full speed. Poor Geet became so cold, but who would say him anything?
Maan, suddenly he caught her shivering sight, he get that she is feeling cold, He slowly lowered the ac. Geet felt better now.

He is not that bad, as I have thought about him, she thought looking at him, stealing some glances of his gorgeous face        
He is not that bad, as I have thought about him, she thought looking at him, stealing some glances of his gorgeous face. With a horn sound, Geet was pull out of her lost state. She saw that they had reached, oh, sorry, I did not notice, said Geet. Thank you so much sir, she softly said as she proceeds to got down from the car.
Maan was not interested in hearing her thank you. He did not even give her last look, as soon as she was out; he speeds up his car, going away from there.
What a freak! Geet just gap at the way his car went away, what a man he is!
What is this, Maan, how much late? How much you make me wait! Dadi complained as soon as Maan step inside the mansion.
Sorry, Dadima!
I am hungry, I will just come freshening up, ask nakul to set the dinner, saying so he rushed upstairs towards his room leaving dadima surprised seeing him in good mood today.
it is good, he is normal now, or else how much he was angry in the morning because of that phone call, dadi thought
Just then maan came there, as nakul set there dinner, both sat to have the dinner, when dadi asked him, why do you became late today, too much work load ,son??

Just then maan came there, as nakul set there dinner, both sat to have the dinner, when dadi asked him, why do you became late today, too much work load ,son??         
dadi asked, knowing he doesn't do this much late otherwise knowing his dadi waiting for him at home.

dadima, i had left office early only, but one of employees vehicle was off, it was giving her trouble, so i gives her lift to her home, that's why this late
dadima, i had left office early only, but one of employees vehicle was off, it was giving her trouble, so i gives her lift to her home, that's why this late.
dadi's ears got alert getting to know it's girl and he had never done this before, so it makes her surprised, none the less she left this topic there itself not wanted to make him angry, all right son!
Geet came home, having her dinner, she went to bed .but today there was no sleep on her eyes, and she felt sleepless. There was only maan in her mind, she was thinking about him only.

How caring he is! after my denial also he came to drop me home, I shouldn't have behave rudely with him, she thinks sadly pouting her lips but then he also was so rude with me in the morning, He scolds me, shouted on me without my any faults        
How caring he is! after my denial also he came to drop me home, I shouldn't have behave rudely with him, she thinks sadly pouting her lips but then he also was so rude with me in the morning, He scolds me, shouted on me without my any faults. she gives a reason to herself.
Leave it , jo hua so hua.. thinking so she take the book in her hand to read.
After dinner, Maan have little talks with his dadi and then she went to bed. Maan went to his own room to have a sleep, but there was no sleep on his eyes, he was thinking only about her, Geet, her beautiful hazel eyes, which were filled with pain and unshed tears, after his scolding, Geet's thoughts were coming to his mind. He remembered all the events, which took place from the morning.
I scolds her in the morning, when she was not at any fault; she was really in problem with her scooter. However, it did not matter to her, she was just laughing with everyone.
And even after all this, when I offered her lift, how much attitude she was showing to me, leave it, but why I am thinking so much about her, why didn't' I wanted to leave her alone? Why did I go back towards her, why did I given her lift which I had not done before in my life? Why this girl, he was turning restless with her thoughts.
I was not able to leave her alone, in that night, but I would have done the same with any other girl, he tried to give a reason to his behavior.
But in the morning, tears in her hazel eyes, why it is giving me so much pain, now also, he thought restlessly, as he still wasn't able to wiped that image of teary face from his mind.
I have always been strict and shouting on every employees from before also, then why her?? He was going mad with those thoughts of Geet as he comb back his hairs in frustration by now he was just laying on the bed lost in her thoughts.

I have always been strict and shouting on every employees from before also, then why her?? He was going mad with those thoughts of Geet as he comb back his hairs in frustration by now he was just laying on the bed lost in her thoughts        
Not getting any answers to his any of questions he thought to sleep, as he was damn tired, He did not even know when he went sleep due to fatigue.

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