Monday 13 January 2020


Geet, get up, today is the first day of the office, don't be late at least for the first day. Geet woke up with the yelling sound of her mother though she did not want to wake up. Now there was no time to argue with her mother, so unwillingly Geet woke up lazily.
Geet was a smart girl who just completed her MBA and immediately started a job at KC. But she did not like it. She was a natural-loving girl. She was a poet, living in harmony with nature and capture the beauty of nature in her camera..
On the first day of the office, she reached the office just in time. She was very depressed. After all, it was her first job, on that no one was known to her, once after done with the procedure of joining, she came and joined other employees. However, all were busy in their own work that no one was having a time to talk to her.
Shortly afterwards, her boss called her and told her that her work would start soon and they will put her in a team until she learned from the rest. She said yes and returned to her place. In fact, she was bored seating ideal, and then she saw for a while that how her seniors were working and so on. She got acquainted with them, and after that again everyone got busy with their respective work. Now Geet was jam-bored. Finally, she took out her phone and started to do her time pass.
At the time of the lunch break, everyone came to the canteen. Geet came to lunch with many of her acquaintances and felt a little better now because she was very bored. And one of them, Sasha, arrived a little late. Everyone was waiting for her. Ashish was almost irritated at what happened to her. "How long did it take for you every day? Everyone were waiting for you!" "Say to your boss that if he is not hungry, a Robot man, but we do get hungry!"
"Sorry man, it became too late because of me, but what to do the great MSK overloaded us with so much work. "
Friends, plz you guys stop arguing now and please concentrate on eating now, I'm very hungry, and says Geet. Now everyone was just joking around at the table while the riot was having fun. He came with his lunch box and sat beside Geet. Now everyone became silent.
hii everyone Sorry if you I disturb you guy, you guys wouldn't mind if I sat here. He said but now everyone's mood turns bad but everyone shows as if they are really happy to have their boss joined them in the lunch. Geet, however, found it a little funny, why her friends feared from this guy, he seems looks cool! She thought eyeing him.
As everyone was so silent, seeing it maan broke the silence, "Hey, how are you guys doing?" He asked each one and then turns to Geet, new joiner? And immediately he turned to sasha and started talking about the project. Geet did not even got the chance to say yes. She was very angry. He left immediately after the meal not before ordering Sasha , in my cabin in 10 minutes. sasha's face just dropped. Oh what a man this is? And everyone got up done with their lunch.
Then there were left only Pinky, Sasha and Geet . Pinky said, sasha, your team leader is too dashing! What a handsome he looks! You are so lucky! Otherwise we.. Before she went on with her blabbering about her boss sasha stops her, oh dear.. Please.. Don't go on his looks.. he is just a stone.. only stone..saying so she rushed out screaming behind, I am leaving now or else he will shout again.
Sasha stop again turning to Geet, all the best, Geet, hope you should not be in our team. Now seeing all this, Geet became tense.
Geet came back to her place after lunch and she was in a real tension now. She was doing lot of chatting, scrolling on insta, to let go off her tension. Finally she realized that there it was no use of doing such a time pass. Then there Aashish comes and she felt a little relaxed while talking with him. And once the first day is over. Geet started for her home, talking with her family, after watching TV for a while, her mood freshens and all her tensions are gone.
It was a little late for Geet to come to the office today. Though she was punctual but it was too late today.
She departed in time but was late because of her soon as she reached her office she went to report to her boss. Her boss said, Good morning, Geet, from today, you won't report to me but to Maan who is your team leader, All the best, Geet said , ok sir, then geet go fast and meet Maan , I have talked to him, he will be waiting for you. Geet did not got a chance to talk more as she rushed to maan's cabin.
May I come in, sir!
Maan called her inside, he was looking much angrier, Geet didn't seem to know that he is really like this always or now he was angry.
Just then she heard his roaring voice, what is the time now? Is this the time to come to office?
Geet saw her watch, she was just 10 minutes late and her boss took her 5 minutes.
Sir actually, I left on time only but my car broke down in the middle of the road. , said Geet.
Maan almost yelled on her, look, Geet, I really hate the people who not valued the time. And on that you are giving me random reason without accepting your own mistake. By now his voice was so loud.

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